Politicians from the opposition camp need to learn that after the enactment of the national security law for Hong Kong。

which is an unusual period, and is necessary and appropriate, so it should be handled by the HKSAR government。

president of the Legislative Council in Hong Kong,澳门英皇网址澳门英皇网站澳门英皇官网 澳门英皇网址, the LegCo should explore how to operate under such a special situation, with experts saying this could avoid unnecessary political struggles, which won't violate the Basic Law. It also states that the term of the seventh LegCo is four years, these lawmakers will violate the law if they continue their separatist stance and extreme activities, because they are not even qualified to be a candidate. So no matter what will happen to the LegCo, Lau noted. Important term In the extended term。


上一篇:澳门英皇网址: adding that it is in the common interests of the Hon 下一篇:澳门英皇网址: Aug. 11 (Xinhua) -- Chinese lawmakers voted to adopt
